Friday, December 27, 2019

20 Ways to Make Yourself Irreplaceable at Work - The Muse

20 Ways to Make Yourself Irreplaceable at Work - The Muse20 Ways to Make Yourself Irreplaceable at WorkDo you usually wait for your boss to drop a project off at your desk, or do you take the initiative to start things on your own? If you answered Yes to the latter, were going to define you as a good worker.Good workers will never go out of style, no matter what industry youre in. So, its no secret that you should do your best to make yourself indispensable at work. Not only will it help you land your next promotion, but it will also help you avoid any layoffs. Check out this infographic to landsee 20 ways that you can make yourself an irreplaceable (and beloved) employee.Infographic courtesy of Catherines Career Corner. Photo of gold medal courtesy of Shutterstock.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Why You Should Make a Big Leap, From a Man Who Did It - The Muse

Why You Should Make a Big Leap, From a Man Who Did It - The MuseWhy You Should Make a Big Leap, From a Man Who Did It Ferenc Nagy, an AV Event Technician at BlackRock, moved back to Hungary after some time in London, UK. In the video above, he reflects on how Budapest, Hungary has changed and how BlackRocks latest office is a benefit to the city and Hungarys workforce.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Get the Most From Your Employee Referral Program

How to Get the Most From Your Employee Referral Program How to Get the Most From Your Employee Referral Program Welcome to Recruiter QA, where we pose employment-related questions to the experts and share their answers Have a question youd like to ask? Leave it in the comments, and you might just see it in the next installment of Recruiter QATodays Question We all know that employee referral programs (ERPs) help employers make better hires in less time but only when theyre working properly. How can recruiters and HR pros get the fruchtwein out of their employee referral programs?1. Culture, Communication, and CongratulationsThree things can have a major impact on getting the most from an employee referral program two of which you can implement today. The first is a great culture. Easier said than done, but employees are more apt to refer friends and family when theyre engaged in the work they do and have pride in their company. The second is open communication. Communicate regula rly with employees about open roles, and tell them the characteristics you are looking in a new employee. That will help them understand whom they should refer. Youd be surprised how many companies dont talk about open roles regularly. Dont assume everyone knows a role is open. Also, communicate to employees that refer someone. Say Thank you, and give them updates about their candidate when they hit milestones in the selection process, if applicable. Most just want to know if their referral is being communicated to regularly. The third is rewarding employees for making referrals. This can be big or small, but when you reward behavior, it gets repeated. When you do this publicly, others will take notice as well. So communicate often, reward employees, and work on your culture. Two out of the three are fairly simple and can be impacted right now. - Kyle Bruss, Talent Plus 2. Make It Easy to Use and Make the Rewards MeaningfulIncorporate the program into an easy-to-use, simple app tha t lets employees share qualified resumes with HR.Ensure that you reward employees in some significant, perhaps monetary way. Also, ensure that if a referral is hired, the new hire stays for a required amount of time prior to the referring employee earning a reward. Publicly recognize the employee who made the referral once they have earned the reward.Finally, if people dont seem to be using the program, publicize it Employees will not see the incentive, and thus not participate, unless you tell them about the ERP and the rewards they could earn.- Lynda McKay, Bagnall 3. Address Any Obstacles Standing in the ERPs WayStart by identifying any employee behaviors that hinder the ERPs success. Then, tie incentives to improvements in these behaviors. For example, ensure that the bonus you are providing is not paid out until you have seen the behavior change or have seen significant progress toward change. Its also important that your employees are 100 percent aware of the policy and that a bonus is not guaranteed until the behavior has changed.This makes it so your employees are more inclined to provide you with quality recommendations, because they know the bonus will not be handed out without hard work on their end. Your current employees will also gain a stronger feeling of accomplishment, ensuring the positive behavior continues in an upward trend, brings in qualified new hires, and removes obstacles that need attention. Tara Jones, Effex Management Solutions

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to build a business around your personal brand

How to build a business around your personal brandHow to build a business around your personal brandI wanted to share highlights from past Tribe Conferences with you, including this presentation from Chris DuckerIts never been easier to build a brand because the barrier to entry has never been lower. The internet has allowed us all to be on equal footing. The online business space offers complete and total justice.When you build an online company, you create a personal brand. Here are the keys to building a business around the brand that is youBe originalSolve a problemBuild relationshipsReverse engineer successBe originalBeing yourself is the ultimate x factor that allows you to plan products, package them, market them, deliver them, and make money off of them. With so much competition and so many industries, its harder than ever to be original than at any time in history. Be yourself. Its the only thing only you can do.Being different is better than being better. - Chris DuckerSol ve a problemAt our very core, as entrepreneurs, we are problem solvers. Figure out how to provide solutions for your audience. Solve a problem. Help them. Make a living doing it. What you do to solve peoples problems becomes your brand. And what people say about you when youre not around is your brand.At the very core of your brand is the importance of being original. Whatever youre doing, you must do it right. Doing it right is more important than just doing it.Serve, dont sell. - Chris DuckerBuild relationshipsIf you solve problems with your products and your services, youll never formally have to sell.Market like a magnet. Attract the best. Repel the rest. You attract people who respond favorably to your message. Your vibe will attract your tribe.Forget about Business-To-Business and Business-To-Consumer models, and think instead about the People-To-People model of doing business. People want to do business with other people they trust.Dont cozy up to get something from them in the future. Relationships should be treasured, not just used for future profit and gain.No matter what you do, dienstgrad what you are worth and do not apologize.- Chris DuckerReverse engineer successReverse engineer what you want to achieve from a financial perspective. Determine your yearly profit target and then break it down into quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily targets. You will find your desired income is closer than you think.All you have to do is serve your audience by producing several streams of income. Dont build them all at the same time, but one at a time, includingBooksOnline coursesDownload workshops and workbooksEbooksOnline eventsWeb eventsLive eventsAffiliate marketingCoachingSpeakingThisarticlefirst appeared onGoins, Writer.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

How to Find Skills Examples for Resume Online

How to Find Skills Examples for Resume Online Reiterate Make sure you are addressing the technical, administrative and emotional facets of the customer concerns. It might be necessary to repeatedly acknowledge the customer emotion to defuse the situation and reassure the customer that youre attentive to the significance of the emotional distress in addition to the technical matter. Its no longer sufficient to just get the work done it has to be carried out right with awareness of consequences. Neglect of a company may also be its downfall. The One Thing to Do for Skills Examples for Resume Superior communication skills are very important to have, through your complete life span, and in every potential situation you can imagine. In the event the feedback proves that you require help, seek the services of a private presentation skills coach. Communicate effectively The best method to demonstrate that youre a great communicator is to speak efficiently and without difficulty. Whenever you do, you will prove that indeed youre an exemplary communicator. Top Choices of Skills Examples for Resume An integral part of domestic saving in america in future decades is going to be the personal saving rate. You also need to know more about the clients needs. For those who have products that could be sold online, or youre able to take orders online, thats an extra benefit. A buyer who believes your service or product is unique has no otzu sich alternatives. What Everybody Dislikes About Skills Examples for Resume and Why Hiring managers want accomplishments. After all if youre not sure of what you would like, how can you expect your employer to think that you really need the job. Possibly work with the incumbent or people familiarized with the numerous responsibilities to comprehend what the job is all about. You are interested in a sales job. Skills Examples for Resume - Dead or Alive? You probably understand that your success is riding on your capacit y to make the fruchtwein of your time and performance to the greatest optimal point possible. Apparently, in this kind of situation, youll have a rough time developing relationship power. Tell the customer that you have the issue and will apply your private effort to achieve benefits. On occasion the technical problem may require a whole lot more attention because it could impact other clients. There are several different customer service positions out there. You know you should give decent customer service to attain that. Even though it might seem that the customer doesnt care about what youve got to say initially, try to remember that the customer approached you for resolution. The customer wont ever have the ability to navigate the requirements, restrictions or resolution with the exact wisdom and experience as you. The Skills Examples for Resume Game It is very important to take into consideration that lots of businesses take a couple of years to get going. Selling h andmade crafts is a superb method to make a living. On the flip side, there are a number of craft businesses you may start on a shoestring and which provide a fair demand. Pre-employment profiles are an essential part of the hiring process for an increasing number of employers. Free software is a good example. A work analysis will supply the facts you must compose an accurate job description. It should be conducted as the first step in the recruiting process. How to Get Started with Skills Examples for Resume? Make sure you answer that question in their opinion. Knowing as much as possible ahead of time will supply you with confidence. Eventually the customer might have to lower her or his voice to hear what youre saying. Sometimes it can be tempting to distance yourself from the problem by stating that you arent accountable for it, that another department has to handle this, or that you are only a messenger. Otherwise, theres very little chance you will have the abilit y to inspire anyone else. Being a real team player can assist you tremendously land work. Practice taking an extremely huge breath and answering the phone on top of that breathe. If youre talking to customer in person once the phone rings, then get somebody else to answer the telephone, or utilize voice mail. Skills Examples for Resume Help 1 large key is to try to keep similar activities together so that you dont need to mentally make huge adjustments between tasks. Youll have both brief term targets and long-term objectives. If youve got 15 minutes to finish the endeavor, concentrate on setting the intention you will get it done within that sum of time so its possible to move on to your next endeavor. When a job is done, all emotional energy linked to that task should be published.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Choosing a Career Path

Choosing a Career Path When it comes to choosing a career, everyone wants to be sure they have chosen the right path. So how can you be sure that you have chosen the right career path for yourself? While the answer to that may not be that you can be one hundred percent certain you will be happy with your chosen career for your entire working life, there are ways to ensure that you start out on a path that is right for you. That said, the first thing to do when choosing a career path is figure out what things in life are important to you. Meaning, ask yourself some questions that will help lead you to the right career path. Some questions to ask might be what hobbies do I enjoy doing? or what goals do I have for the future? Dont forget to include thoughts of financial goals like retirement goals or goals toward purchasing a home.Knowing such things like what you enjoy doing will help you pick a job that you love doing, (or at the very least one that you can stand) because, lets face it, no one likes showing up day after day to a job that they hate. In addition, knowing what you like to do with your time helps identify which skills that you possess and knowing this is important because most jobs require applicants to retain certain skills specific to that job.As for knowing future goals, they are important to think about when embarking on a new career path because future goals often depend upon finances and just as certain goals require more money, certain jobs pay more money. Obviously, the amount of salary that your chosen career provides directly effects the kind of lifestyle you can live.However, it is important not to get blinded by the potential amount of money any given career path might provide because choosing a career path is more than the money you can make. After all, if you do not enjoy what you are doing, at least on some level, you will not give it your all and giving it your best is the kind of attitude that will lead to promotions that subsequently lead to more money through promotions. Therefore, when choosing your career, first consider the things you like to do then consider how much money a particular career path might provide.Choosing a Career Path There are a great number of factors that can go into choosing a career path. For some individuals the decision is already laid out for them in the form of a several generation old family geschftsleben or by way of some undeniable talent that simply cant be ignored. For others choosing a career path is a much more difficult and time consuming process that can feel overwhelming or even downright frightening. There could be a number of people offering what might seem like good advice about which career is best for you, but when you are finding the right career path, youve got to consider personal attribut es and values even more than the advice of friends and relatives.To choose the right career for you, take a long look at your individual skill set and how each of those skills might better prepare you for a specific type of career. Truly following your natural abilities and ensuring that you focus on careers that involve elements that you enjoy and that you are good at makes finding the right career path a much easier process.Students who excel in mathematics and thoroughly enjoy working with numbers may find a career in accounting or engineering to be both exciting and rewarding. Those who are more adept in one on one communication or that enjoy focusing on and solving problems may be more suited to a career in human resources or marketing.Once youve clearly defined what you feel are your strongest attributes, consider consulting with a career advisor to discuss different career paths. Career advisors or counselors have the ability to help you examine your personal skill set even f urther in bestellung to provide more or better options for you when it comes to selecting the most suitable career.A career advisor can also set up an aptitude test or career path testthat could help to match your individual personality with a particular career path. For people who are truly unsure about the next step to take in their hunt for a satisfying career, a career path test may be the perfect option. The right test could possibly even direct you toward a career that you may not have even considered on your own, but that your skill set and personality would make you a very strong fit for. Choosing a career path can be a daunting task, but focusing on finding the right career for your strengths can ensure that youll have the best chance of success on all fronts.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Resources to Help Veterans Find Jobs

Resources to Help Veterans Find JobsResources to Help Veterans Find JobsFormer service members bring a wide array of skills to the civilian workforce based on their military education and experience, as well as their work histories prior to active duty. In the military, many thrived in tough?situations and mastered sophisticated technologies. They also developed soft skills critical to most disciplines, including leadership, cooperation, discipline, adaptability and critical thinking.?Transitioning from a military to a civilian career offers new experiences that can be exciting and lucrative. But the sudden transition can also be stressful. What are the options when it comes to careers for military veterans? And how do you land these positions? Here are tips to help you transition to a new career with greater ease.Starting your searchCheck out a military-to-civilian occupation translator, like this one, to match your military skills and experience to civilian occupations. Many organi zations make it part of their company mission to hire veterans a website like VetCentral can direct you to those firms, or you can work with Robert Half.Keep in mind that a job search can be a full-time job in itself and that finding a good position can take time. Dont take the?duration of an employment search as a reflection on your personality or skills?- many people search for weeks or even months before landing?the right position.Getting more education or training in your current field or working on?a degree in a new area is a natural and positive way to transition to your new life, and the military encourages this choice with financial support. Check out the Post-9/11 GI Bill for more information about assistance you can depend on if you decide to go back to school.?You may also consider starting your own business. The skills needed to be a business owner are similar to the ones you developed during your tenure in the military tenacity, vision, self-motivation, leadership, in tegrity and competitiveness, among others. The? U.S. Small Business Administration is a helpful resource?for military veterans starting their own businesses.Job hunting as a veteranAs you reenter the civilian workforce, pay attention to?these job-hunting essentialsResearch - Gather as much information as possible on companies youre focusing on. Do they have any special programs for veterans or available positions that require security clearance?A focused resume - Your resume should highlight transferable skills and experience, such as previous leadership roles, as well as soft skills and technical expertise. Civilian employers may not be familiar with military terminology, so spell out any acronyms.A customized cover letter - For private sector positions, a cover letter provides an opportunity to briefly showcase how you can contribute in specific ways. It does not serve the same function as the resume.Appropriate clothing - When meeting with hiring managers and recruiters at a job fair or?recruiting event, you should dress to impress.?A positive attitude - A genuine smile, firm handshake and upbeat demeanor make any job applicant more desirable.Robert Half is helping veterans find jobsOur resource-rich website features job-search tools geared specifically toward veterans and the talents they bring to the workplace. Candidates can enter a variety of military position titles and be matched to job openings that require similar skills. Those opportunities are within Robert Half itself or with Robert Halfs clients who represent the accounting and finance, technology, administrative, legal and creative and marketing fields.Veterans, filter your job search using military codes and titles at the Robert Half Career Resources for Veterans page.SEARCH JOB OPENINGSWhere else to?searchSome companies and organizations offer specific programs for hiring former military personnel. Here are a few organizations?that help veterans find jobs in the civilian labor marketVete rans Affairs (VA) - A good starting point for any vet is the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Through its Make the Connection website, returning veterans can find resources to help make the transition to civilian life. The VA also offers other websites for helping veterans find jobs.Feds Hire Vets - The U.S. Office of Personnel Managements veterans employment website lets military men and women receive federal government job postings matched to?their skills and expertise.Hire Heroes USA - This nonprofit organization provides personalized job search assistance for transitioning U.S. military members, veterans and military spouses.Company programs - Many companies have programs specifically designed to encourage veterans to apply for job opportunities with their organizations. We Hire Heroes is a veteran-run organization that operates local job boards in major cities?and offers resources for veterans, as well as employers who want to hire former military members.?rechengang IM PACT Network of Champions - Northrop Grummans Operation IMPACT Network of Champions?is a group of companies and nonprofits dedicated to helping injured veterans (or their surrogates) find jobs and transition from the military to a civilian career.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Easy Tips to Make Your Resume Virtual

5 Easy Tips to Make Your Resume Virtual5 Easy Tips to Make Your Resume Virtual32Long gone are the days when you had to mail in a paper job application. Todays job seekers are primarily submitting online applications and thinking of new ways to get their resumes seen by industry leaders and hiring managers. Thats why its important to get your resume online- ASAP. Take your resume off of paper- and take it to the next level- with these easy tips to make your resume virtual.Get social. If you thought social media was just for sharing vacay photos and double chocolate chip brownie recipes, think again. You should post your resume on social media sites like LinkedIn, About.Me, Google+, and even Pinterest. If youre a Twitter maven, you can also try to reach targeted companies with 140-character mini resumes that speak to one specific skill or strength.Create your own website.If you already have your own website, your resume should most definitely be there. If not, there are various website builders (such as Wix or Weebly) that can help you create an online portfolio without having to know much, if any, HTML. Having your own website is a powerful tool in your job search, helping you to stand out from among the other job seekers.Keep it simple. While it is recommended that you have several resume versions depending on the types of jobs youre applying for, its best to stick to one version when posting online. Why? Well, if a potential boss searches for you online and finds various forms of your resume highlighting different strengths, skills, and experiences, it can be confusing. It might be perceived that youre willing to accept any old job, and that can weaken your chances of getting a job that you really want. So before you post your resume online, make sure that it conveys what you really need it to, no matter what job youre applying for.Remove personal information.Think about it on any given resume, there is oodles of personal information about you. From your name to your mailing address to where you graduated from school, your whole life is being summed up on one page. Although this is great for hiring professionals who need a quick synopsis of your life, its even better for those who engage in identity theft Thats why you need to be careful about what exactly you post in an online resume. Its a good idea to remove too much personal info, such as your phone number and address. Scan through your resume and see if there is anything else that should be removed before posting it on public sites.Create a new email address.It may seem innocent enough to leave your email address on your resume. After all, without personal contact information, how can your boss-to-be contact you to call you in for an interview? But by leaving your email address on your resume- and for the world to see- youre opening yourself up to a whole slew of problems, from identity theft to just a ton of annoying spam email. So create a brand new email address that is specifica lly for job searching only. Make sure that it is as professional as possible, because a hiring manager might think twice before responding to a job candidate with the email address Creating a new email will ensure that your personal info stays safe, and will help keep your job search emails neatly organized in one inbox.Taking time to make your resume virtual is a great way to add extra exposure to your job search Simply by utilizing easy and free tools you already have access to (and protecting yourself online too), youll maximize your chances of finding a job in no timeReaders, what do you do to make your resume virtual? Which social media channels do you prefer and why? Let us know in the comments section below

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Quality Assurance Technician Job Description Sample

Quality Assurance Technician Job Description SampleQuality Assurance Technician Job Description SampleQuality Assurance Technician Job Description SampleThis quality assurance technician sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Quality Assurance Technician Job ResponsibilitiesAssures consistent quality of production by developing and enforcing good automated manufacturing practice (GAMP) systems validating processes providing documentation managing staff.Quality Assurance Technician Job DutiesAccomplishes quality assurance human resource objectives by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, assigning, scheduling, coaching, counseling, and disciplining employees communicating job expectations planning, monitoring, appraising, and reviewing job contributions planning and reviewing compensation acti ons enforcing policies and procedures.Achieves quality assurance operational objectives by contributing information and analysis to strategic plans and reviews preparing and completing action plans implementing production, productivity, quality, and customer-service standards identifying and resolving problems completing audits determining system improvements implementing change.Meets quality assurance financial objectives by estimating requirements preparing an annual budget scheduling expenditures analyzing variances initiating corrective actions.Develops quality assurance plans by conducting hazard analyses identifying critical control points and preventive measures establishing critical limits, monitoring procedures, corrective actions, and verification procedures monitoring inventories.Validates quality processes by establishing product specifications and quality attributes measuring production documenting evidence determining operational and performance qualification writing a nd updating quality assurance procedures.Maintains and improves product quality by completing product, company, system, compliance, and surveillance audits investigating customer complaints collaborating with other members of management to develop new product and engineering designs, and manufacturing and training methods.Prepares quality documentation and reports by collecting, analyzing and summarizing information and trends including failed processes, stability studies, recalls, corrective actions, and re-validations.Updates job knowledge by studying trends in and developments in quality management participating in educational opportunities reading professional publications maintaining personal networks participating in professional organizations.Enhances department and organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.Quality Assurance Technician Skills and QualificationsProcess Improvement, Analyzing Information , Strategic Planning, Verbal Communication, Informing Others, Quality Engineering, Emphasizing Excellence, Pharmacology, Attention to Detail, Thoroughness, Dealing with ComplexityEmployers Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Quality Assurance Technician Jobs and apply on now. Learn more abouthow to hireCreating and Posting a Job in MonsterMaintain a Legal Hiring ProcessYour Hiring Goal Be the Dumbest One in the Room